Sunday, January 02, 2005

Hurray I have a Blog!

Hello, internet world, here i am!

i never thought that i would have anything remotely close to reflecting the mirrored likeness of a website, but i have been inspired lately to see what all the "hoopla" is about. :) I remember when i was like 12 and my computer geek brother started playing around with something known as "bulletin boards" and i, being of course, much cooler than him (i did, of course, have New Kids on the Block glow-in-the-dark shoelaces) thought that he was wasting his time and this whole "internet thing" would never catch on. So as i carried on with my slumber parties and daydreaming about being Joey McIntyre's manager whom he was madly in love with, my brother slaved away at his computer learning the ins and outs of everything, of course, he has a solid IT job in the States making twice as much money than i'll ever hope to make, and i'm....well, still daydreamin' (though the content has changed, albeit slightly).....well, that's enough blabbing for my first blog in the history of me....hurray for the information age!!

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