Tuesday, January 11, 2005

blissful existence

k, so i'm adjusting to independent living much quicker and better than i ever thought possible....it is actually really great! i'm more self-disciplined than i've ever been in my entire life - i'm waking up earlier to spend quality time with God, I'm listening to LOUD music while making breakfast, i'm trying out new and exotic recipes, and i'm going for runs like 3 times a week! and.......there is another reason why i'm really, really giddily happy but i can't really tell you yet....well, ok i will anyways....so i had a DTR (define the relationship) talk with this boy, we'll call him.....Mario....and we've decided that we are....SEEING each other.....isn't that marvelous...marvelous i say! what exactly does that mean? well, i have no idea but i know that it is a good thing and a neccessary step before the big title of "going out"....seriously....let's do away with these labels....i feel soo.....restricted....no just joking i'm still just giddy! hurray for pottery class with Mario tommorrow! (maybe if you're all good i'll tell you his REAL name next time!)

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Congratulations on Mario!
I assume you are a neXter based on the fact that you are in Kingston and are connected with the Seiberts. I am also from Next, but I currently live in Vancouver.
Nice Blog!