Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!!!!.....yesterday

Alright, so you'd think one would be happy to turn a quarter of a century old.....

I mean....what's not to celebrate? You're half way to 50, you can finally rent a car (without having to go to a sketchy jeep rental place that couldn't care less like I did in maui last year), you can be friends with people who are 30 and not feel like you're hanging out with your parents' friends....but yesterday, well, it was a partially sad day....i returned to kingston to find that jared, kathy, and soren had already moved out :( - due to an unexpected health problem (don't worry, all is well now)....yet some of their stuff is still here, so it was super eerie....everytime i saw one of soren's little socks or stepped on a cheerio i burst into tears!!! and Chiara's room is completely empty, except for an Italian gossip magazine -(Raponi brothers I've got a present for you!!) so HOT 116 is no more...sigh.....but THEN my day was livened up by a terrific little dinner party where i dazzled my friends with my culinary brillance, which brightened my mood considerably, only to have it come crashing down to sheer embarassment when i learned that my friend had baked me a cake for a class that i had skipped that morning!!!!! ah, just my luck....hey -do you think my prof noticed that i wasn't there??

1 comment:

Erich said...


So cool that you've got a blog too. I've been doing it on and off for a while. It's so great to be able to communicate how you feel to everyone in one giant yawp.
Anyway, check out mine if you get the time.
Peace sister.

radikal e!